Friday, November 4, 2011

Don't wait to give a eulogy

The past few months I have been watching this economy take its toll.  I can't say it is all the economy....a lot of it seems to be linked to bad choices and unbearable consequences, and then topped by the economy it is the straw that breaks the camel's back.  I'm not sure about statistics, but I do know that the number of suicides have increased.  I recently posted about a friend of our family that chose to take his life.  Next came an acquaintance from high school.  Last week I was traveling by plane and the lady next to me shared about her husband's boss taking his life.  The one thought going through my mind constantly is ~  Did all of these people know how many people LOVED them?

Please take the time to tell those you love and that are important in your life how much they mean to you now.  Don't wait.  It only takes a second......even a text ~ "I'm grateful you are in my life" ~ or a post or email makes such a huge difference.  Don't wait until its too late and you have to share with strangers in a eulogy how much you cared.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What is a bucket list?

What is a bucket list?

One day I want to visit the Carribean…One day I want to ride in a helicopter…One day I want to go on a cruise….One day I want to ride in a hot air balloon…

The above “One day I want to…” were among different day dreams I’d had over the last couple years of my life.  They weren’t things I thought I could just go out and do and cross off a list.  First of all, there is a substantial cost for each and every one of those “dreams”.  Second, I live a busy life with a large family, filled with nonstop commitments.  Surely, I couldn’t just drop everything, and make all of those wishes come true….unless of course….I won the lottery and became financially secure beyond my wildest dreams, right?  Wrong!!!

I guess I’m getting a bit ahead of myself.  Back up a couple of years.   I had just watched the movie “The Bucket List” starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.  If you haven’t seen the movie, a quick plot summary;  Two terminally ill men meet in a hospital room and decide to do everything they wanted to do before they die, thus leading to the term “bucket list”.  Here is a trailor of the movie (which I would highly recommend…)

Shortly after watching the movie the daydreams began.  What would be on my list?  I thought about all kinds of fun adventures… places to visit, people to spend weekends with, the list went on and on.  Then, life got busy, and the time for day dreaming became less and less.  Then I came across the quote –

"It's a dream until you write it down, and then it is a goal." – Anonymous.

So, I wrote those dreams down.  I shared my bucket list with a few close friends, and family.  Fast forward 2 years… bucket list is empty!!!  

 I visited the Southern Caribbean -- Puerto Rico, St. Maarten, Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Thomas, and St. Kitts
I went for a ride in a helicopter (also conquered my fear of heights that day)

I took a cruise to the "Exotic Western Carribean" and visited Belize, Cozumel, Grand Cayman, and Roatan

The last item on my bucket list was a hot air balloon ride.  My husband surprised me this month for our anniversary and the photo above was taken during that flight!
Now I have the opportunity to create new dreams.......write another bucket list.......and make those "goals" happen in the future!   

You can join me on this journey!!!  Just find a piece of paper....start dreaming.....write those dreams down..... 

One day girls will rule the world!!!!

Note:  I love comments, so be sure to leave a comment below or on our Facebook page.  I will do my best to respond quickly!!!  I'd love to know what is on your bucket list!!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Believe in yourself

One of the best pieces of advice I ever received from my Grandmother was 
"Dream.  Dream BIG.  Dreams don't cost any money and can take you places you never thought  you could go."

I took that advice to heart and I dream BIG!  I dream about what I want to do, where I'd like to go, places I'd like to visit, people I'd like to meet.  The list goes on and on.  The result ends up lighting a fire in me, and I start acting on those dreams.  I do the things I want to do (write a bucket list...I'll post about that on Monday), I go to places I've seen in pictures in magazines, I meet amazing people.  You can do that as well!!!  

So, take some time this afternoon~  Dream!  Then get out a piece of paper and write down that dream, and put it somewhere you will see it regularly.  Add to the dream -- clip out photos that relate to what it is you are dreaming about.  Create an action plan -- to get from here to there, what steps would you need to accomplish?  Start with step one, and make sure your daily actions are putting you in line with accomplishing that step.  In no time at all, you will be on to step two, three and four and then be living that dream you set in motion.

All it takes are the steps above to live the life you dream about!  So, what are you waiting for???